Kids and pets– a match made in heaven! Whether you're introducing your newborn to your furry family members, teaching responsibility through pet care, or simply embracing a household filled with laughter and paws, the bond between children and dogs is undeniable.
Why are pets perfect for kids ?
Research shows that pets can have a positive effect on your child’s health, too. Here are 5 ways getting a pet can improve your child's lifestyle
Companionship: Pets offer unwavering companionship, providing children with a constant source of comfort, joy, and a pet friend to share life's adventures. Through this bond, children learn empathy, shaping them into more compassionate individuals.
Responsibility and Routine: In the day to day routine of a child's day, there lies a world of opportunity for growth and learning. From waking up to bedtime, each moment follows a familiar pattern. But what happens when a furry friend joins the journey? Suddenly, the routine gains a new dimension, teaching children valuable life skills along the way. Feeding pets, strolling with them around the neighborhood, engaging in playful tricks, each task becomes a lesson in responsibility, time management, and consistency for children.
Reduce stress and anxiety: Interaction with pets has been shown to lower stress levels in children. Petting a dog triggers the release of feel-good hormones in the brain, such as oxytocin, commonly known as the "love hormone." This surge of oxytocin fosters feelings of comfort, security, and connection, serving as a natural remedy for stress and anxiety.
Aid specially-abled children's development : Pets provide constant companionship and unconditional love, offering a sense of security and emotional support for children with ADHD, Autism,etc. These specially abled childrens feel overwhelmed and they may find it difficult to adapt to the changes in environment and also meet new people. Studies have shown that pets for an autistic child have a calming influence – even stroking an animal for 15 minutes can lower blood pressure by 15%!
Encouraging Physical Activity: Playing and exercising with a dog or cat can help a child stay alert and attentive throughout the day. According to research, children with pets engage in physical activity daily. And this can be observed in day-to-day life as well. Dogs, for example, need regular walks, which can encourage children to be more physically active and spend time outdoors.
Reduce Screen Time: When you have a pet at home, instead of reaching for a tablet or gaming console, kids can engage in active play with their furry friends. Whether it's tossing a ball for a dog, chasing a laser pointer with a cat, pets provide endless opportunities for interactive play that captivates children's attention without the need for screens. Pets can help parents set boundaries around screen time. By encouraging children to spend time with their pets instead of screens, parents can establish healthy screen time limits and create opportunities for family bonding. Whether it's designated "pet playtime" after school or screen-free weekends spent exploring with pets.
Finally, when choosing a pet for your child, take the time to research breeds. This ensures you find a pet that fits seamlessly into your family dynamic. Additionally, consider if your child is ready for a pet. But undoubtedly, it is one of the best gifts you can ever give your child.